These cables can NOT be cut to length, however they are flexible enough to be routed with a slight bend to take up slack. Both ends of the cables are threaded. The length of the cable is measured from tip to tip. The throw is the amount of travel the cable moves back and forth.Originally push/pull cables came from the Military industry. When they say #3, -3, or dash 3 they are referring to the diameter of the threaded ends of the cable which are 3/16 inch diameter 10-32 thread. Or if they say #4, -4, or dash 4 they are referring to the diameter of the threaded ends of the cable which are 1/4 inch diameter 28 thread.
Our cables are available with 3 different mounting solutions
- Clip style mounts on both ends
- Bulk head style mounts on both ends
- Clip style on one end and bulk head style on the other end